Inspirational Books

Check out several books to help guide you in your Christian walk with God, as Pastor Taiwo Iredele Odubiyi tackles several issues such as: rape, self-esteem, suicide, coping with getting older, marriage & relationships, disappointments, depression, divorce, and many more!

Title: God’s Words to Older Adults

Summary: This book God’s Words to Older Adults offers words of encouragement and scriptures on twenty-two life issues, to help older adults/senior citizens find joy, peace, and encouragement as they grow older in age, so they may grow in grace and grow gracefully. Young adults: This is a gift book you should get for older adults who are your family members, family friends, neighbours, and church members. Reach out to older adults/senior citizens, by giving a gift of this book specially written for them.

Title: 30 Things Wives Do That Hurt Their Husbands

Summary: This book has been written to make women know those things men do not like and which could cause problems in marriages, and the things they need to do to make their marriages better so they could be happier.

Title: 30 Things Husbands Do That Hurt Their Wives

Summary: Husbands will know the things that hurt women, what women really want, and how they can have a mutually beneficial relationship. Read with your spouse and find out the secrets to a healthy marriage!

Title: God’s Words to Couples

Summary: This book ‘God’s Words to Couples’ offers Scriptures and words of encouragement on various issues, to help married men and women understand and walk in God’s plans for their lives. As you read this book, listen to God’s instructions, and whatever He tells you to do, do it.

Title: Real Answers, Real Quick! For Couples

Summary: This book Real Answers, Real Quick! (for couples) gives answers to some of the numerous questions that the author has been asked about marriage and parenting, to give sound and godly direction to those who need it.  People who are going through challenges and are confused about the will of God and what to do will find real answers real quick to the questions in their hearts, and as they put their trust in God and stand on His word, they will find rest for their souls.

Title: God’s Words to Women in Ministry

Summary: This book- God’s Words to Women in Ministry- offers words of encouragement and Scriptures on twenty issues relevant to ministry, to guide the women in ministry. Wisdom gained from God’s presence and years of ministry have been shared in this book to encourage these women so they can grow in God’s grace, fulfill ministry without ever quitting, and please God.

Title: Divine Instructions to Live By

Summary: This book, Divine Instructions to live by, has been written to highlight God’s instructions to you, to make you know how to live, so you can be in the will of God and fulfill God’s plans for your life.

Pages: 1 2

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