Children’s Books

Check out several of the Children’s Books which teach both children and their parents alike about: self-esteem, generosity, the consequences of stealing, friendliness, tolerance, how to handle bullies, how to be safe from harm, and the steps to take to protect children from sexual predators.

Title: Jonah’s First Day of School

Summary: Jonah did not know what exactly to expect when his parents told him that he would go to school. However, knowing that his parents wanted the best for him, he decided that school must be good, and he anticipated his first day of school. This book will teach first-time students that school is good for them, and they don’t need to be afraid.

Title: Nike and the Stranger

Summary: Nike, the limping beauty would have been kidnapped by a stranger but for the timely arrival of her mother. This was a wake-up call to her parents and even her school’s proprietress, and they began to teach her on how to be safe. Children will learn some tips on how to keep themselves safe from harm. Parents will also learn how they can protect their children.

Title: Joe and his step-mother, Bibi

Summary: This is the story of Joe Lawal, how he became a medical doctor, and why he gave his stepmother, Bibi, the gift of a car on Mother’s Day.

Title: No one is a Nobody

Summary: Gideon became unhappy because some children were calling him names in class. “Why do I look like this?” He wondered. He had to learn that it is not what people think that matters but what you think about yourself. No one is a nobody. Learn about self-esteem and how to handle bullies in this interesting book.

Title: Greater Tomorrow

Summary: With a wonderful family and budding exceptional abilities, it never occurred to Osasere that something bad could happen in life but when an accident left her in a wheelchair, she quickly realised that even children must have determination and a positive attitude.

Title: Billy the Bully

Summary: Billy began to misbehave in school, bullying Gideon and others. He was about to learn that bullying is wrong, and what he was going through was not an excuse for bad behaviour. Children will know about personal responsibility and how to handle bullying in this very interesting book – Billy the bully. And parents will realise that two are better off than one because together they can work more effectively. Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone.

Title: The Boy Who Stole

Summary: This is the story of a boy, Aaron, and how he discovered that stealing is very bad. Stealing brings shame and embarrassment and has consequences.

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