Christian Romance Novels
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These award-winning novels encourage, counsel, and guide those in relationships (the single & the married). Quite popular in Nigeria, they are read all around the world.

Inspirational Books
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Check out several books to help guide you in your Christian walk with God, as Pastor Taiwo Iredele Odubiyi tackles several issues such as: rape, self-esteem, suicide, coping with getting older, marriage & relationships, disappointments, depression, divorce, and many more!
Children’s Books
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Check out several of the Children’s Books which teach both children and their parents alike about: self-esteem, generosity, the consequences of stealing, friendliness, tolerance, how to handle bullies, how to be safe from harm, and the steps to take to protect children from sexual predators.

Get a copy of Pastor Taiwo Iredele Odubiyi’s books and novels on e-book stores in both e-book format or paperback or contact us directly to purchase a paperback.