Summary: Ruth liked girls and had always liked girls for as long as she could remember. It was how she was, and nothing could convince her otherwise. Until her life began to go in a direction that she could no longer control. Then unexpectedly, Tokunbo, a man who was no stranger to an out-of-control life, became more important to her than she could ever imagine. After encountering Christ, Ruth began to feel different, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to be married to a man like Tokunbo and to be held by him. Tokunbo was certain that Ruth was a changed woman, but he wondered if she could ever be the right woman for him. And what would his parents say, knowing her past? In this intriguing novel—She Who Has A Man—you will understand the true meaning of a Biblical truth that a man who finds a wife finds a treasure and obtains the Lord’s approval, favour, and pleasure.
Summary: Dofi, from Benin Republic, was not a university graduate, and being one of Zack’s employees, she concluded that he could not be interested in her. She was below his radar, period! C’est fini. Zack thought so too, but when he realised that Dofi was the kind of woman he needed as wife, he was surprised. If only things were a little different, he thought. He received another surprise when his mother asked him to consider Dofi. He would consider her if God was involved, and he prayed, “Lord, if she’s not the one, close the door.” But God opened it wider. In this very interesting romance novel, COMFORT AND JOY, you will realise that there’s hope for you; you can have a good relationship with your in-laws; and it is God’s custom to be merciful to those who love Him.
Summary: When Chris had an accident and was told that he would never walk again, he wanted to commit suicide. “What’s there to live for?” He wondered. He had lost his legs, and he was certain he would lose his wife. Stella, who liked to be in control of situations, realized that she had no control over this situation and she lost hope. She wouldn’t like to leave Chris, but how could she stay with him? “Lord, what is Your will?” She cried. In this very interesting romance novel BROKEN TOGETHER, you will realize that although life changing injuries do happen, the people affected can still fulfil divine purpose because the God of the mountain is also the God in the valley. You will also learn how couples can handle life changing situations together.
Summary: Rachel and Jimi had been friends since they were young and were always quick to tell whoever suggested they could be more than friends that it couldn’t happen. “What are you even talking about? Rachel is like my sister!” Jimi had told someone. “We don’t like each other like that.” Rachel had confirmed. And so, when Rachel began to have feelings for Jimi, she became troubled. This should not happen! Worse, Jimi loved another lady. What would happen now? In this very interesting romance novel FRIENDS TO FOREVER, you will realise that God indeed rules in the affairs of men and has your best interest at heart. You will also discover the qualities of the right person for you, how to determine if you’re truly loved, and if what you feel is really love.
Summary: Charles, a movie star, loved Seun but found her very guarded. He had made his fair share of mistakes in life and couldn’t afford to make another one. “Am I wasting my time with her, Lord?” He wondered. Before Seun, an actress, became a Christian, her love life was a disaster. She would love to be married, but where would she find a man who would treat her right? Who was he? Could he be one of her own, a movie star? How would a celebrity marriage work? In this very interesting Christian romance novel—One Day in December—you will learn how to choose the right person, as well as the dos and don’ts of a lasting marriage. People with public lives will also learn how to protect their marriages and the true meaning of the Scripture: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Summary: Seeking an escape, Aneh thought she had hit the jackpot by getting involved with a married man and having a baby. Following her mother’s misguided advice, her life became riddled with mistakes. But when she encountered God, she knew that things needed to change. Unexpectedly, she found love when she met Frank, a single father at her church. Frank, familiar with divine encounters, believed God was involved when he fell in love with Aneh. Aneh’s heart had changed, but would her circumstances follow? She was about to discover the answer when a story she wrote was adapted into a movie, catapulting her and Frank into a world of opportunity and greatness. In the novel “Made a Way,” you will discover that God’s plans for you are good, not evil, designed to give you the expected end. No matter how far you might have strayed, it’s never too late for a new and wonderful beginning. This novel reveals the power of redemption and true love.
Summary: Adesua, confident in her beauty and successful career, believed she had it all figured out and only considered a certain type of man for marriage. She thought Tony met her standards, but soon found herself sending a message to her friends in case something happened to her. “Just a heads-up: I’m going to Tony’s house now.” With what she had just heard about him, she was no longer sure she was safe with him.Realizing that finding a good man takes more than love, intelligence, or physical attraction, she turned to God for help and in response, God turned Tade to her for marriage.
In this novel, you will learn how to recognise true love, the importance of a strong relationship with God, and the reason the Bible states in Proverbs 20:6 that ‘many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, but who can find a faithful and trustworthy man?’